New article at Catapult

This morning the new issue of Catapult Magazine went live today, including my article “(In)Security and the Fall“.

I briefly re-viewed Eve Ensler’s excellent book Insecure at Last, casting her concern about security and the strange phenomenon of how cultures that focus strongly on security tend to be fundamentally insecure in light of the Biblical story of the fall in Genesis 3. Check it out, and also check out the other excellent articles.

article published in Catapult

My article, “Anarchism and Hope“, has just been published in Catapult Magazine, a bi-weekly online publication that’s been creating themed issues for over 5 years with a goal of creating community around holistic Christian faith practice. The current issue theme is “Hope and Cynicism“, and was inspired by the Cynicism and Hope conference at which I presented in early November.

I will probably be writing more for the magazine in the future, and if so I’ll mention it here as well.

where I’ve been

I’m sorry I’ve let off my blogging pace from the past couple of weeks – I really do enjoy writing more and getting out my thoughts through this outlet, and I also enjoy the increased blog hits that seem to come with more writing.

Over the past couple of days I’ve been working on an article for the online magazine Catapult for their upcoming issue, which is centered on the topics discussed earlier this month at the Cynicism and Hope conference. I wrote an article that is largely a shortened form of my presentation from the conference, though I did add some original material. I’ve heard rumors that there may be other publishing opportunities in the future related to the conference, so I’ll keep you updated if anything further comes from that.

I’ve also been plugging away at the “Anarchism, Christianity, and the Prophetic Imagination” series over at Jesus Manifesto, so there’s been lots of writing going on – just not here for the past couple of days. I’m hoping this week to write some more on my What Would Jesus Deconstruct? series as well.

I’m hoping to get more content up here tomorrow, so stay tuned!