I have my computer back

The blogging madness will re-commence very soon, but for now I just wanted to give notice – you’ve been warned. 😉

For those of you who pray, I would much appreciate it – I have just entered an M.Div program at a local seminary and am unsure whether I am going to focus on academic or pastoral work as a vocation in the future, or if there might be some way to fuse the two (which is what I’m really hoping and praying for). I have thought about pursuing ordination in the Episcopal Church, but also about getting a Ph.D or Th.D and taking an academic focus. I’m not sure what this means for Toronto, though likely I will not move there any time soon – my soon-to-be wife and I decided that moving 800 miles to a different country might not be the best idea, so I’m considering switching from the MA to Master of Worldview Studies program at ICS, which could be completed via distance and summer courses. For now I’m not going to get my pants in a bunch, I’m going to concentrate on my courses (this semester I’m taking Parables of Jesus, Church History II – Middle Ages to Enlightenment, and Formation for Ministry) and continue to pray and meditate on things.

For anyone who might be interested, we have put up a site for our wedding.

It’s really good to have my computer back. I hadn’t been thankful enough for it, and I’ve also had the opportunity to seriously think about how much I use/depend on it.

Shalom to you.